Thursday, February 25

One from the Classic Ads Vault: Friendly Wash

To my utter and unpleasant surprise, very few of the people I have spoken to have seen/remember the Friendly Wash ads that used to air in India many moons ago. A classic piece of marketing genius on television, my ability to perform this ad from memory has won me many accolades and many more odd stares at parties! (Ok so maybe the only accolade is that the girlfriend likes it!) And now dear readers I give you this gift free of charge (disclaimer: this does not cover the many subliminal messages encouraging you to donate at the bottom of the page!).

10-something year old kid comes on screen wearing school uniform: Mummy mummy [points to rash on mid-belly region]

Typically concerned typical Indian mummy: Komul twacha aur ye nishan? Professor saab kuch keyjeye nah!

Enter greying middle aged man wearing lab-coat (he must be a learned professor who knows all about dermatological issues!): Chemicals akhir do prakar ke hotein hain, ek jo humare skin kilye hanikarak hote hain aur ek jo humare skin ka friend hotein hain. (But of course!)

Jaise ke, Friendly Wash.

Mum has apparently used Friendly Wash and hey-presto, life's all sunny and great. Kid has got no rash and hence cycles onto screen to deliver the killer blow (as if we needed any more convincing!): YES! MERA BEST FRIEND, FRUNDLYWASH!!

And watching this ad, through the TV I could sense this excited little boys spit drenching me in its shower of soapy wisdom!

Stay tuned for translated version. However, please do not take away from the sheer genius if the English version does not give you the same sense of awe and admiration of this ad - no - this social service message!

10-something year old kid comes on screen wearing school uniform: Mummy mummy [points to rash on mid-belly region]

Typically concerned typical Indian mummy: Such a terrible rash on such tender skin? Please help us Professor sir!

Enter greying middle aged man wearing lab-coat (he must be a learned professor who knows all about dermatological issues!): Chemicals after all are of two types, ones that are harmful to our skin and ones that are our skin's friends. (But of course!)

Like, Friendly Wash.

Mum has apparently used Friendly Wash and hey-presto, life's all sunny and great. Kid has got no rash and hence cycles onto screen to deliver the killer blow (as if we needed any more convincing!): YES! MY BEST FRIEND, FRUNDLY WASH!!

And watching this ad, through the TV I could sense this excited little boys spit drenching me in its shower of soapy wisdom!


  1. I, sir, demand that you grab a video cam this instant and put up a picture of your version of the ad right here in this space. I positively demand it.


    (Please, oh please, take pity on a young lass with dental problems to fill a book)

    1. I would PAY to see this advert again. Ok I won't. But I still want it!

    2. It's been 7 years. I'd still pay.

  2. its Yesh! my Besht Fried Friendly Wash !

    And please find the video, I have been looking for years!

  3. Nobody, except me, seemed to remember it. I had convinced myself this advert was something my brain concocted! It's REAL!

    1. Yaaasss even I thought I was the only one who's seen it! I feel validated now

  4. Any idea where one can find a video of the Ad? Have been trying to trace it forever!

  5. i want to see this ad again,...any luck finding it

  6. Did anybody find it? The interwebs must know!

  7. Oh my God..cant believe it. That kid saying that bullsh** line was stuck in my head for ages, with the memory popping up in my head every few months, resulting in me mimicking the boy's outburst.
    My sis finally told me she wants to see the video.
    and googling around for it, look where I land - a blog dedicated to it ;D
    One of the moments when the internet just amazes..:P

    Mela besht fhriend indeed...fendly whhashh!!...:P :P

  8. Has anyone been able to find a video of it, after all?

    I can't believe there's a tiny niche following, who have all equally "suffered" the same blank looks and stares when trying to communicate the sheer gold factor of this ad. 10 people.


  9. It is frankly a relief knowing that there are others who were impacted by those powerful 45 seconds of cinematic brilliance.

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  11. Wow, I found this after so many years. I used to do this as as well on parties. Had so much fun with my sis acting out this advert. Pity that I have never come across a video after it stopped airing.

  12. This is really funny, you have a certain touch -- Deeply retro\Indian-relatable.
    *saab may be unambiguously, if somewhat idiosyncratically rendered as sa'ab (@ first didn’t catch the sense; thought sab,≈every),
    keyjeye --> kijiye,
    kilye --> keliye [/-i: kelye]
    – As a frundly localization-dermatologist f.LD, MBBS
    (Of course the leave was unsavory—and I figured the English version could have FRUNDLY as -->FRIENDLY to redeem the kid somewhat—just that much/)
    But right from "10-something year old kid comes on screen wearing school uniform: "I was laughing my ass off, as well as 'Jaise ke, Friendly Wash."—after the interjection (But of course!); and catching sight peripherally of
